-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 01, 2012 Horse and Member Data File Formats and Schema -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These files are CSV formatted, (Comma Separated Values) or SDF (Standard Data Format). The fields delimiter is a comma "," Ascii 44. The records delimiter is a two character pair CRLF or Carriage Return Line Feed or Ascii 13 & 10. All fields of Text, Character, or String type are quoted with (") character Ascii 34. Embedded (") characters in a Text Field are repeated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Member.csv Schema --------------------- 1. Member number 2. Last Name 3. First Name 4. Middle Name 5. Business Name 6. City 7. State 8. Country 9. Member Expire Date 10. NonPro True or Blank 11. AgeGroup Y=Youth, P=Prime Time The Member.csv data is split into multiple files at 50000 records for viewing with older versions of Microsoft Excel. -------------------- Horse.csv Schema -------------------- 1. NRHA license number 2. Horse name 3. Owner name 4. Owner member number 5. Ownership begin date 6. Ownership end date 12/31/2999 if current owner 7. Sex 8. Foal Date 9. City 10. State 11. Country The Horse File is split in two files. Horse1.csv contains Horse records From A to L, Horse2.csv contain records M to Z. Each of these files can be viewed with Excel. These contain multiple records per horse, one for each current or past owner as determined by the begin and end dates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following list of files that are designed for importing to a show programs. The file names begin with the letter "I" for Import to distinguish these from the other files. These contain Primary Key ID number fields for relating the tables for better normalization. These files are not split. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- IMember.csv Schema --------------------- 1. MemberID Integer32 Primary Key to relate with tables 2. NRHA member number Integer32 3. Last Name VarChar(30) 4. First Name VarChar(30) 5. Middle Name VarChar(30) 6. Business Name VarChar(100) 7. City VarChar(50) 8. StateCode VarChar(3) 9. StateName VarChar(50) 10. CountryName VarChar(50) 11. Membership Expires Date 12. NonPro Boolean True or blank 13. AgeGroup Char(1) Y=Youth, P=Prime Time --------------------- IHorse.csv Schema --------------------- 1. HorseID Integer32 Primary Key to relate with tables 2. NRHA License Number Integer32 3. Horse Name VarChar(100) 4. Sex Char(1) S=Stallion G=Gelding M=Mare 5. Foal Date Date 6. Color VarChar(80) 7. BreederID Integer32 (Relate to MemberID) 8. SireID Integer32 (Relate to HorseID) 9. DamID Integer32 (Relate to HorseID) --------------------- IOwner.csv Schema --------------------- 1. HorseID Integer32 (Relate to Horses table) 2. MemberID Integer32 (Relate to Members table) 3. StartDate Date (format mm/dd/yyyy ) 4. EndDate Date (12/31/2999 if current owner). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For any information about these files contact James Gant at NRHA (jgant@nrha.com)